Friday 6 September 2013

Secret Make Up Tips

Loads of people make the mistake of day wear make-up. They wear red or vibrant lips that stand out with big, black in your face eyes. For the day this is way too bold. If you have bright lips allow your eyes to stay at a reasonable level with just mascara. However, if you are more about the eyes, go for bold eyes and lip gloss or a lip stick that doesn't stand out!  Lip liner is amazing! It stops the lipstick running off your lips (also named 'bleeding') and gives your lips a more beautiful shape ;)
Foundation needs be smudged in so their is no blotches and make sure you don't just do your face. This is a  make up NO.... NO..... Make sure the foundation blends into your neck so you haven't got an orange face and a white neck. All edges should also be smudged properly so you don't get lines of thick brown foundation (this is also called 'Gravy Lines' and 'Lazy Lines' as called by  many teens) So please don't break the make up rules. Lots of people concentrate on the front, more than the back.... An absolute NO! What ever you do remember to make sure that the back of you looks as glamorous as the front, okay? Never apply make up with brushes that are dirty or old. It can cause more than make up horrors but is also known for causing eye infections and bad skin. Never over pluck your eyebrows, it looks ridiculous. I have also seen people who have plucked hairs from the centre, don't do this please. Shaped eyebrows are nice but I have always believed that your real shape in eyebrows is a whole lot nicer. Not only over plucked and shaped brows but when people have them really thin or thick thick and black! Yes, dark eyebrows are in at the moment but too black is too bad. Watch Out! Last but not least do not leave your skin, try to wash it with special soap or wipes at least 2 to 4 times a day. My advice would be to use a wipe as soon as you get up, it not only helps your skin but wakes you up and leaves you feeling cleansed. If you have a bath or shower in the morning use face wash or cream then, also use either one of those in the evening when you have a bat or shower. Then before bed use a wipe again! I keep mine next to my bed in the cabinet, so I don't forget.

Going Pink, Lips are bold!
The lips are under coated with a sparkly lip gloss, a bright pink lip stick and covered in a red lip gloss to give shine and tint. It makes them look big, bold and stand out.

Looking Natural, Eye Make-up
The eye make-up looks like everyday wear, with mascara and a smooth line of eye pencil.

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