Sunday 29 September 2013

Halloween 2, Sleepover Party!!

2 Weeks Before
Choose a date (probably Halloween or the night before)
Find a venue (normally your house) and Set the time
Send the invites out and make sure everyone can come (make sure everyone knows they have to wear Halloween outfits)
Decide on what food you can have and how you can make it more Halloween like, buffet????*
Pick games you'd like to play and think of any props or game pieces you'd need**
Choose your outfit and buy it or make it

5 Days Before
Are you going to have a main cake
Do you need to buy more decorations so that you can decorate your venue top to bottom

1 Day Before
Decide on films or music you need to finish off you Halloween party**
Buy the food and drinks

The Day  A Day Plan (HELP)
2:00pm - Start to decorate the house
3:00pm - Put the food on the table and cover it over so no flies can get to it
3:45pm - Finish the last of the decorations
4:15pm - Get your costume on
4:45pm - Put the music on and wait for your guests to come
5:00pm - Start to play some games and open up the buffet
6:30pm - Sit down and hide under blankets and pillows with popcorn and sweets, watch a horror film
9:00pm - Play some more games
10-00pm - Take pictures and have a laugh

Films and Music**
Younger Kids; Coroline, Monster House, Hocus Pocus, Home Alone,
Teens; Paranormal Activity, Final Destination, Saw, Friday the 13th, Sinister, Women In Black, Nightmare on Elm Street.
Scary Movie

Game Ideas**

Halloween Witch Pinata
Witch PiƱata
Punchball Balloons
Punch Ball Balloons


  • Pin the arm to the skeleton
  • Have a treasure hunt with clues and prizes
  • Using straws try and pick up the paper bat and see who can take it the furthest across the room.
  • Wrap someone out of your team in toilet paper until they are completely covered (like mummies) and who ever is covered first wins.
  • Dares: Have 10 pieces of your sweets and chocolate then go around in a circle and do dares. Every time you complete a dare you must eat I piece of your collection of sweets and chocolate. Who ever's collection is gone first wins.
  • Solve the scary riddles
  • Spin the bottle
  • Pass the parcel
  • Go on the wii
  • Go on the playstation

Food Ideas**
Plastic insects and spiders could be added to bowls of popcorn , sweets or crisps (Make sure they are clean!!!)          

Halloween Doughnuts
Image from
Homemade Toffee Apples
Image from
Vegetable Skeleton
Image from

Baby Mummies
Homemade Sausage Rolls....
Image from


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