Saturday 8 June 2013

Calling the fashion police

Err.... Flip flops! I love them but have you seen the ones which came out a few weeks ago.
Flip Flop Mens Black Multicoloured/Stripe

Ow! They look like you and your friend have traded shoes for the opposite foot. They are a total fashion mess up. In my opinion they won't catch on because they look ridiculous. It's like seriously? Can't they come up with any better fashion trends. I'm not being funny but if I was to wear them I would be so embarrassed I probably have a fashion fit. Someone really needs to call the fashion police, Quick!!!!
Not only flip flop fashion freak out but we also have another total screamer on our hands. 
Have you noticed that lately people have been outside in onesies? 

Navy (Blue) Navy and White 1969 Hudson Onesie | 280205841 | New Look

Ahhhhhhhh! I think I am going to explode. "Hey girlfriend, what your wearing there is pyjamas, ever realised that before? Yes they are in fashion but there's NO need, what so ever to go around the streets wearing them.  They may look good on you but still no excuses. To be perfectly honest what your wearing is an outfit which a giant baby would wear. Am I right, or am I right?" Okay so I admit, they are fashionable and they are fine for in the house but lately I have seen so many people on tele and on the streets near to wear I live wearing them as they walk around. 
And lastly the "Rave" is all about novelty glasses, isn't it?

Hum, NO! If you go into shops you can see so many of them. But do you see many people wearing them? I don't think so and I'm pretty sure we all know why. Bless the shops, they are really trying hard for these novelty glasses but sorry :( they're just not catching on. I mean who wants to wear glasses that have a cheap looking palm trees and drink bottles on. ME!!!! Just kidding. 
If you have anymore TOTALLY NOT COOL FASHION TRENDS 2013 just comment {below} or send us your ideas. 

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