Saturday 8 June 2013

Father's Day, 16th June


If you are stuck and you don't have a clue of what to get your father why not try some of the suggestions below!!!!

Try making something special like a scrap book with pictures, buttons, ribbon and all of his favourite things.

You could sew him some socks or a jumper.

Buy him a gift card for his favourite shop, whether it's a clothes shop, bike shop or just a normal supermarket.

Drive a Ferrari, Choose from 9 super cars, drive 6 miles £79 with 25% off £59.... AMAZING OFFER!!!!

Give him a day of relaxing and having fun.

A HUGE hug and kiss always works :)

A trip to madam tussards so he can have a picture with his favourite famous person.

Do a song and dance for him, play an instrument or all 3.

A trip to a theme park or an aquarium

Have a surprise party....

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